1. Men fantasize as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires. 人们以幻想来作为宣泄禁欲的替代方式。
2. At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. 当我为工作沮丧时,就爱幻想成为一个农夫。
3. As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old, we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane, undistracted by phones, friends, or movies. 作为经常旅行的人,以及两岁孩子的父母,我们有时会想象,当我们其中一人登上飞机,不被手机、朋友或电影分心时,能做多少工作。