1. Angels fascinate, as Christmas-card-makers rediscover every year. 天使令人着迷,正如圣诞卡制造商们每年一再发现的那样。
2. The private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate. 电影明星的私生活总为人所津津乐道。
3. These renegades, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers. 这些叛逆的、理性的实验吸引了他的许多同行。
4. FascinatE is funded by the EU under the Seventh Framework Programme as a large scale integrating project. FascinatE 项目是由欧洲第七框架计划资助,它是一个大型的综合项目。
5. So long as Godzilla can fascinate people, I believe he will be resurrected by new generations of filmmakers in the future. 只要哥斯拉能让人们着迷,我相信将来他会在新一代电影制作人手中复兴的。