1. Looking towards Berlin from their fastnesses in the Ruhr and southern Germany. 从德国的南部城市到鲁尔区的重要的经济地区再看向柏林。
2. The color fastnesses of these dyes were 4-5, and three of these dyes had high lightfastness of 6-7. 所有染料的色牢度均在4 ~ 5之间,有三个品种的耐光牢度达到了6 ~ 7级。
3. Disperse dyes are suitable for dyeing PU fiber, high uptake and satis factory fastnesses were observed. 分散染料是氨纶染色的理想染料,它具有较高的上染率和较好的染色牢度。
4. Looking towards Berlin from their fastnesses in the Ruhr and southern Germany, they see only weak leadership, perverse decision-making and poor communication. 稳坐于经济发达的鲁尔区和德国南部,他们满心期待地看向柏林,却只看到领导层的软弱无能、决策错误、沟通不良。
5. Looking towards Berlin from their fastnesses in the Ruhr and southern Germany, they see only weak leadership, perverse decision-making and poor communication. 稳坐于鲁尔区和德国南部,他们守望柏林,却只看到领导层的软弱无能、决策错误、沟通不良。