1. For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called "Ask Marilyn". 在过去的几年里,周日报纸的副刊《游行》中,有一个名为“问问玛丽莲”的特色专栏。
2. Nanli Lake fish, Xiangou Pho, Dingcheng Zongzi, Longzhou taro, Leiming peanut oil and pitaya, cherry tomato all are the featured brand in Ding' an. 南丽湖福寿鱼、仙沟粉、定城粽子、龙州香芋头、雷鸣花生油,以及火龙果、圣女果等等,都是定安特色品牌。
3. The original version featured a guitar solo. 原版以吉他独奏为特色。
4. The movie featured Robert Lindsay in a supporting role. 罗伯特•林赛在这部影片中担任配角。
5. Jon featured in one of the show's most thrilling episodes. 乔恩主演了该剧中最惊悚的几集之一。