1. Featuring new bands gives the show an edge. 突出新乐队的特色给该演出一种锐气。
2. Each featuring a different researcher, one of whom they'd met once two years earlier. 每本都讲一名不同的研究人员,其中一个是他们两年前见过一次的。
3. Featuring a spring piston firing mechanism, the sniper rifle is almost silent when fired. 采用弹簧活塞式发射装置,狙击步枪射击时几乎无声。
4. Featuring no famous actors, it begins with images of a beautiful morning and passengers boarding an airplane. 它里面没有著名的演员,而是以一个美丽的早晨和乘客登上飞机的画面开始。
5. In a video posted to Facebook featuring the bear, it appeared to be in relatively good health and was moving quickly. 发布在脸书上的一段有关这只熊的视频中,它看起来比较健康,行动也很迅速。