1. If feeding is stopped during severe weather, birds used to relying upon the feeders must starve. 如果在恶劣天气停止喂食,习惯依赖喂食的鸟儿就会挨饿。
2. The fish were placed in a tank with two feeders, one of which supplied a lot more food than the other, known as the "rich feeder". 这些鱼被安置在一个有两个喂食器的鱼缸里,其中一个喂食器提供的食物比另一个多得多,被称为“富庶喂食器”。
3. Not all catfish are created equal: we tend to think of catfish as slimy bottom feeders, but that is only true for a small percentage of species. 并非所有的鲶鱼都是生来平等的:我们倾向于认为鲶鱼是黏糊糊的食底泥动物,但那只适用于一小部分物种。
4. One of the largest feeders for high school math competitions—including those that eventually lead to the IMO—is a middle school program called Math Counts. 高中数学竞赛,包括那些最终通往国际数学奥林匹克竞赛的最大支持者之一是一个叫做“Math Counts”的中学项目。
5. The larger, less fastidious feeders, the zebras, move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; and the smallest species of all, Thomson's gazelle, arrives last. 体型较大、不太挑食的斑马最先进入;比较挑剔、身材苗条的牛羚随后出现;而最小的汤姆逊瞪羚,则落在最后。