1. There doesn't have to be a love fest going on in the locker room, but championship teams need to have players who respect each other and their coach. 不一定要有爱的节日在更衣室进行,但是冠军球队需要球员之间以及球员和教练之间相互尊重。
2. The annual jab fest for the seasonal flu is already underway, leaving many grown-ups wondering if the annual stick in the arm is right for them. 一年一度的季节性流感疫苗注射已经开始了,让许多成年人开始怀疑每年一次的流感疫苗注射是否适合他们。
3. Come and be part of our Film Fest! 来成为电影交流周的一员吧!
4. Go and have this party with us, it's a babe fest. 跟我们一起去派对吧!有很多帅哥美女哦!
5. Beyond Qingshuihe, the road turns into a mud fest. 过了清水河之后,道路再一次成了乱泥节。