2. He took the purse, put up his fiddle, and traveled on very pleased with his bargain. 他拿起钱包,收起小提琴,为他的交易高兴着继续旅行。
3. His fiddle is in its box, he laid it on one end of the bed where it would ride softly. 他的小提琴在它的盒子里,然后将盒子放在一张床的床尾,那里可以避免被碰到。
4. The countryman stopped his fiddle, and left the miser to take his place at the gallows. 仆人放下了他的小提琴,让吝啬鬼代替他坐上了绞架。
5. It's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle, and passed a baton to his son, so that his son could fulfill his dreams. 这也是关于一个父亲如何用祖父的小提琴创造了一份遗产,并把指挥棒传给了儿子,以助他的儿子实现梦想的故事。