1. It was one of the fiercest battles of the 19th century. 这是19世纪最激烈的战斗之一。
2. This was not a volunteer soldier, not someone well paid, but an average guy, up against the best trained, best equipped, fiercest, most brutal enemies seen in centuries. 这不是一个志愿兵,也不是一个收入丰厚的人,而是一个普通人,起而反抗几个世纪以来训练最好、装备最好、最凶猛、最野蛮的敌人。
3. The fiercest of all concerns pay. 其中人们最关心的问题就是工资了。
4. And I shall be your fiercest adversary. 而我会成为你最凶狠的对手。
5. A person who cornered could be the fiercest one. 一个人被逼到死角时是有可能成为最凶猛的人。