1. I don't have a new one, but this should fill the bill. 我没有新的,你先拿这个去凑合吧。
2. Unless it's a museum piece, this simple repair might fill the bill. 除了博物馆的典藏作品,这个简单修复法可以“山寨”一下。
3. The numerical calculation and trail research showed : the flood dam and deep hole traitor fill the bill of dynamic tensely , therefore the dynamic character design is reasonable. 动力数值计算与试验研究成果表明:泄洪坝及深孔弧门满足动力强度要求,动力特性设计合理。
4. I wanted a Republican in the cabinet, liked and respected Cohen, and thought he could fill Bill Perry's very big shoes. 我喜欢像科恩这样受人喜欢和尊敬的共和党人在内阁工作,而且认为他有能力接过比尔·佩里的重任。
5. Three people will essentially fill the void left behind when Bill Gates retires from the company he and friend Paul Allen co-founded in 1975. 盖茨和他的朋友保罗·艾伦于1975年合伙创建了微软公司,盖茨退休以后将会有三个人来填补他的职位空缺。