2. The European Union is finalising rules that will apply next year. 欧盟的相关准则也尘埃落定,并将于下一年正式生效。
3. The department is now finalising its analysis of the trial and will be discussing with internet providers how to implement the system. 内务部正在赶制公测分析,同时将与网络提供商讨论如何推行该项系统。
4. Monday's warning came as conservationists were finalising work on a fresh strategy to save the animals which is due to be launched next month. 周一的警报响起了,因为保护者们要完成一项新计划,即拯救下月要被投放的动物。
5. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank are finalising their capital-increase plans ahead of their annual meetings in March and April respectively. 美洲开发银行(IDB)和世银,则赶在他们三月和四月分别召开的年度会议前,要完成增资计划书。