1. Have You Prepared the Financial Guarantee? 资金担保你准备好了么?
2. Then you need a financial guarantee, and an application fee of $25. 然后你需要交一份财务担保书和25美元的申请费。
3. The financial guarantee is one kind of guarantee taking the financial claim as the guarantee object. 金融担保是一种以金融债权为担保对象的担保。
4. Therefore, export drawback system must serve this strategy and our present task is to adjust drawback pattern, standardize irrational drawbacks and solve financial guarantee problem. 当前的主要任务是调整退税模式,规范不合理退税,努力解决好财力的保障等问题。
5. The identification of financial sources such as draft, passbook or bank card, document of financial guarantee or financial self-guarantee that are notarized by the notary office within China. 经济来源证明(汇票、存折、现金卡等)或者经国内公证机关公证的经济担保书或者经济自保书。