1. Fixedness operating frequency. you can adjust the width of pulse to change the output power. 固定电路工作频率,调节脉冲宽度而改变输出功率。
2. I cannot give my thoughts to reading; if I sat unoccupied, they would brood with melancholy fixedness on I know not what. 我不能安下心来读书,如果我闲坐的话,我未知之事会被这忧伤的思绪所笼罩。
3. It made me remember Baudelaire's words that modernity is transition, short, incident; this is an half of art. Another is forever and fixedness. 这叫我想起波德莱尔曾经说过的现代性就是过渡、短暂、偶然,这是艺术的一半,另一半是永恒和不变。
4. I derived benefit from the task: it had kept my head and hands employed, and had given force and fixedness to the new impressions I wished to stamp indelibly on my heart. 它使我的脑袋和双手都不闲着,也使我希望在心里烙下的不可磨灭的新印象更强烈,更不可动遥。
5. The cultural change is a complicated process, in that psychic culture is most difficult for changing. The change or fixedness of psychic culture relate to the sacred crowd. 文化的变迁是一个很复杂的过程,其中精神文化是最难改变的,而它的变迁或固守与祭祀人群是有关的。