1. It also makes the juice completely flavorless. 这亦使橙汁变得完全无味。
2. Spinach is a healthy — and flavorless — addition to any smoothie. 菠菜是一种健康——无味——可添加到各种思慕雪饮品中。
3. Water is plain and flavorless, yet we cannot go without it for a single day. 水虽淡而无味,却不可一日或缺。
4. Compared with the undergraduates, the daily life of a Ph. D student appears rather simple and flavorless. 与本科生相比,博士的日常生活显得非常平淡无味。
5. Even though science has prepared medicinal foods, people are probably not willing to let themselves swallow this dry, flavorless stuff all day long. 即使科学已经为食品药片做好了准备,人们大概也不会情感让自己整天吞这种干巴巴的,无滋无味的东西。 收藏。