1. There was something strange about the flickering blue light. 那闪烁的蓝光有点儿奇怪。
2. Several nurses sat before a console of flickering lights and bleeping monitors. 几名护士坐在灯光闪烁、监听器嘟嘟作响的控制台前。
3. She became distantly aware that the light had grown strangely brighter and was flickering gently. 她模糊地意识到光线奇怪地变得明亮起来,轻轻摇曳着。
4. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets. 煤气可与烟雾缭绕的油灯和摇曳不定的蜡烛相媲美,在新世纪之初,富裕的伦敦人逐渐习惯了有煤气照明的房子,甚至街道。
5. Modern 3-D technology works by rapidly flickering two versions of the movie and projecting them onto each eye. 现代3D技术的工作原理是通过快速闪动两个版本的电影,并将它们投射到每只眼睛上。