2. If you tie him to a blown-up inner tube, he floats. 如果你把他拴在一个充气的内胎上,他就能浮起。
3. The Cubans had attached floats and propellers to a 1951 Chevy truck. 这些古巴人在一辆1951年的雪佛兰卡车上安装了浮筒和螺旋桨。
4. These algae now release their oil, which floats to the surface of the culture vessel. 现在,这些藻类可以释放出藻类油,藻类油能漂浮到培养容器的水面上。
5. If we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way. 如果我们回想一下我们一开始讲过的数据对象的种类,浮点数,整数,字符串,它们实际上有相同的行为方式。