1. I hope that by 2050 the entire solar system will have been explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft. 我希望,到2050年,各种小型机器人飞行器能够完成对整个太阳系的探测,并绘制出图谱。
2. Flotillas of crimson leaves sailed by downstream, andstripe-necked musk turtles swam over to survey us as we counted fish. 深红色的树叶顺流而下,带有条纹的麝龟从溪流中游过,盯着正在数鱼的我们一行人。
3. Flotillas of crimson leaves sailed by downstream, and stripe-necked musk turtles swam over to survey us as we counted fish. 在我们统计鱼数的时候,红叶组成的舰队顺流飘过,还有一些虎纹麝香龟游过来打量我们。
4. Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins. 沿着库克冰川曾经崩解的大冰尖所在的海滩直到海洋,成队的王企鹅孵化出来。
5. If a vessel attached to one of the three main flotillas believes that pirates have hostages under their control, it is under orders not to launch an attack. 要是三艘快艇其中一条控制了货船,并认为人质在海盗的控制之下,海盗就不会实施攻击行为。