1. It has long been a traditional remedy for the relief of colds and flus. 多年来,一直是缓解感冒和流感的传统治疗方式。
2. “But, ” he added, “it is not up at the same levels that we would see during seasonal flus.” 但是,这不会停留在季节流感期间看到的同样水平。
3. Both the new strain and seasonal flus will be circulating in the world, increasing the risk of flus mixing in Mecca. 新流感病毒和季节性流感病毒将在全球传播,这也加大了不同流感病毒在麦加发生混合的危险性。
4. Unlike typical flus, which usually hit the old and weak, the young and healthy appear to be falling victim to this new disease. 年轻健康的人似乎成为了这种新病毒的易感人群,而不像普通的流感病毒那样,通常是年老体衰的人感染。
5. Daily use may provide protection against acute infection and help reduce susceptibility to recurrent colds, flus and allergies. 2. 每天服用,可以帮助身体增强抗菌,抗感冒,流感和抗过敏的自卫能力。