1. Karen told a story about learning to fly-fish a few years earlier and hooking her own hat when she cast her line. Karen还说了自己的一个故事:几年前在学习如何钓鱼时在甩线时钩住了自己的帽子。
2. There are scores of books recommending places to see, books to read, music to hear, golf holes to play or watercourses to fly-fish before we die. 有许许多多的书,推荐一生必游的地方、必看的书、必听的音乐、必打的高尔夫球场球洞和飞钓必去的水域。
3. Once our university is up and running, we'll train them not only how to fly-fish but in other aspects of eco-tourism too, like sea kayaking, bird watching, snorkelling and deep-sea fishing. 飞钓大学开办起来以后,我们不仅要教他们怎么飞钓,还要提供生态旅游的其他方面的培训,比如海上皮划艇、观鸟、浮潜和深海钓鱼。
4. No fish bites on the fly today. 现在用苍蝇钓不到鱼了。
5. We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers. 虽然我们已经学会了在空中像鸟儿一样飞翔,在海中像鱼儿一样游荡,但我们还是没有学会兄弟般一起生活的简朴艺术。