1. Stop fondling my limes and do something! 别再折腾我的酸橙树了。去做点什么!
2. How can you say I am harsh, you naughty fondling? 你怎么能说我苛刻呢,你这怪脾气的宝贝?
3. The story-fondling thing had been going so well. 故事安抚的方法一直都采用地很顺利。
4. People in both ancient and modern times were immersed in fondling sand collecting the COINS, trying to discover the old mysteries hidden in these metals. 古往今来人们观赏它、珍藏它,试图解开这个藏着无数古代秘密的金属之符,沉浸其中乐而忘返。