1. Wild mangoes come from the foothills of the Himalayas. 野生芒果产自喜马拉雅山麓。
2. Arsenale officers first brought timber from the foothills of the Alps, then from north toward Trieste, and finally from across the Adriatic. 阿尔塞纳尔的官员们首先从阿尔卑斯山的山麓地带运来木材,然后(将木材)从北方运至里雅斯特,最后从亚得里亚海对岸运来(木材)。
3. Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains. 帕萨迪纳位于圣加布里埃尔山的丘陵地带。
4. About 9,000 B.C., most human settlements lay in the area along the Mediterranean coast and in the Zagros Mountains of Iran and their foothills. 大约在公元前9000年,大部分人类定居点都位于地中海沿岸地区以及伊朗扎格罗斯山脉及其丘陵地带。
5. In the foothills of Kambo lies a place sacred to Chakrasamvara. 在坎博的山麓坐落着一个对于胜乐金刚来说很神圣的地方。