1. His paintings are contrived and formulaic. 他的绘画作品有不自然和刻板之嫌。
2. In terms of both structure and theme, the Odyssey and Liked were also oddly formulaic, to the point of predictability. 无论在结构还是主题上看,《奥德赛》和《宠儿》都是非常公式化的,甚至到了可以预见的程度。
3. In our own time, America's musical high culture has degenerated into a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. 在我们这个时代,美国的音乐高雅文化已经退化为一种脱离当代的俗套娱乐。
4. There was no formulaic answer to that question. 这个问题根本没有标准答案。
5. "I want my sentence to be real, not formulaic," she said. “我希望我的判决是真实的而不是照章办事,”她说。