1. The headfirst forward roll requires the rollers to press down with feet, jump, prop up with arms and roll consistently. 鱼跃前滚翻动作,要求蹬、跃、撑、滚连贯,腾空高,滚翻圆滑。
2. The figures' fat bellies tilted them forward, and a D-shaped base allowed handlers to roll and rock them side to side. 这些人的大腹便便使他们身体前倾,D 形的底座可以让操纵者左右滚动和摇摆。
3. This process reads log files during rollback, restart recovery and roll forward. 此进程在回滚、重启恢复和前滚期间读取日志文件。
4. With online backup, there is a means to roll forward the logs to any specific point in time or to the end of the logs. 利用在线备份,就可以将日志前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。
5. To restore without losing data, you will restore from the first Sunday backup, followed by incremental backup taken on Saturday and roll forward. 要进行恢复,而又不丢失数据,那么您需要从第一个星期天备份恢复,然后恢复星期六取得的增量备份并进行前滚。