1. Over-Friending is a Bad Idea on latitude. 在纵横上“过度朋友”很糟糕。
2. Friending "others that we lose precious opportunities to strengthen our friendship with our spouse." 不自觉地白白浪费了和我们另一半加深的友谊宝贵机会。
3. Kids have an average of 210 friends on Facebook so it's important to know if they're friending the right people. 对于平均每个孩子有210个网络好友这样一个数字,知道他们跟正确的人交友是重要的。
4. Friending wasn't used as a verb until about five years ago, when social networks such as Friendster, MySpace and Facebook burst onto the scene. MySpace和Facebook等社交网站五年前突然冒出来之前,交友还没有被用作动词。
5. The word comes from a term coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet, act 1, scene 5: And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do, to express his love and friending to you. 这个词最早来源于莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》第一场第五幕中的一句对白:像哈姆雷特这样贫苦的人,要怎样向你表达他的爱意和友情呢。