1. Athwart direction the teaching method is from fulfillments to the theories. 逆向教学法是从实践到理论。
2. With no one to share my happiness and sadness, the fulfillments of me with no one to witness? 没有人分享我的喜悦,分担我的忧愁,也没有人去见证我的每一个小小进步?
3. Maybe this story is just a beautiful dream, as Freud believes that dreams are wish-fulfillments. 也许这个故事只是一个美丽的梦,就像弗洛伊德相信的那样,梦只是心愿的满足。
4. The software is the outcome of logic that the mankind created out, treat in investigate the new theories and fulfillments. 软件是人类创造出来的逻辑产物,有待于探索新的理论与实践。
5. Thus the CallCenter will become a fulfillments center to issue tickets to customers and to increase services for our clients. 这样,我们的电话客服中心将会成为一个能为客户提供包括出票和各种其他增加设的服务的执行中心。