1. Meanwhile, the Fullers RV breaks down and Ranger Gonzalez asks for help. 同时,福乐斯rv分解和游侠冈萨雷斯请求帮助。
2. A proposal for a tunnel under the Thames between the House of Commons and Fullers Brewery was laughed out of court. 一项在泰晤士河下从英国下院到费勒斯啤酒厂之间挖一条隧道的建议被一笑置之,不予考虑。
3. Yet never again in the corner of the Fullers' Field grew flowers of any kind, but the field remained barren even as before. 然而漂布地里却再也没有盛开任何的花朵,它仍像过去般一片荒芜。
4. And the people did as he commanded them, and in the corner of the Field of the Fullers, where no sweet herbs grew, they dug a deep pit, and laid the dead things within it. 人们于是按他的指令行事,在漂布地的一角,在没有任何香草生长的地方,他们挖了一个深坑,将尸体埋葬其中。