1. Boil or furuncle is a skin disease caused by th. 疔疖或者是一个皮肤疾病所致次……
2. The present invention has unique recipe, and obvious treating effect on traumatic injury, rheumatalgia, furuncle, neuralgia, etc. 本发明配方制备方法独特,治疗跌打损伤、风湿骨痛、疔毒恶疮、症瘕痞块、各种神经痛效果显著。
3. Hellcat says Chen Wusheng furuncle, because of him always does not believe ghosts and gods, so ghosts and gods also does not rescue. 巫婆说陈五生了疔疮,因为他素来不信鬼神,所以鬼神也不来搭救。
4. A preventive herbal cream for dry skin diseases, cuts, scratches, minor bums, wounds, cold sores, chapped skin, furuncle, impetigo and intertrigo. 干性皮肤病,割伤,抓伤,蚊虫叮咬,创伤,风湿,皲裂皮肤,疔疮,脓包和擦烂皮肤专用的预防性中药膏。
5. On the basis of decoction, revise it with symptoms for treating the acute pyogenic otitis media, nasal vestibule furuncle, the pus around tonsil, etc. 在此方基础上随证加减治疗耳鼻喉科急性化脓性中耳炎、鼻前庭疖、扁桃体周围脓肿等诸多疾病,收到较好疗效。