1. He faced a fusillade of questions from the waiting journalists. 正在等候的记者们向他发出连珠炮似的提问。
2. Both were killed in a fusillade of bullets fired at close range. 双方在枪弹的近距离对攻中死去。
3. One leading theory: it came from a fusillade of comets that came screaming back in toward the sun a half-billion years or so after our planet formed. 有一种前沿理论认为:这些水是地球形成约5亿年之后,一连串呼啸撞向太阳的彗星所带来的。
4. Two of Durutte's regiments go and come in affright as though tossed back and forth between the swords of the Uhlans and the fusillade of the brigades of Kempt, Best, Pack, and Rylandt; 迪吕特的两个联队,跑去又跑来,惊慌失措,好象是被枪骑兵的刀和兰伯特、贝司特、派克、里兰特各旅的排枪捆扎住了。