1. Gainful employment means that the employee receives steady work and payment from the employer. 有偿就业是指雇员从雇主那里得到稳定的工作和报酬。
2. Gainful employment refers to an employment situation where the employee receives steady work and payment from the employer. 有偿就业是指雇员从雇主那里得到稳定的工作和报酬的就业状况。
3. Are you in gainful employment? 你有有报酬的工作吗?
4. He kept on teaching in a small college, though he knew this job was not gainful. 他一直在一个小学院里教书,尽管他知道这份工作赚钱很少。
5. A program of rehabilitation through job training with an eye to gainful employment. 通过职业培训寻求有利工作的复员计划。