1. Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy. 勃艮第常被看作主要的美食中心。
2. Most of the British public is familiar even with Heston Blumentha's molecular gastronomy. 大多数英国人甚至对赫斯顿·布鲁门塔的分子美食学也很熟悉。
3. And now, most of the British public is familiar even with Heston Blumentha's molecular gastronomy. 而现在,大多数英国人甚至对赫斯顿·布鲁门塔分子美食学也很熟悉。
4. The relatively new discipline of molecular gastronomy, especially, relies on understanding the mechanics of aroma to manipulate flavor for maximum impact. 尤其是分子美食学,它是一门相对较新的学科,依赖于对香气作用机制的理解,从而最大限度地利用香气。
5. Whereas molecular gastronomy is concerned primarily with the food or "smell" molecules, neurogastronomy is more focused on the receptor molecules and the brain's spatial images for smell. 分子美食学主要关注食物或“气味”分子,而神经美食学更关注受体分子和大脑对气味产生的空间图像。