1. MIX dry gelatins and gelatine in large bowl; stir in boiling water until completely dissolved. 向大点的器皿中加入果冻粉和开水,搅拌直至完全溶解。
2. Calcium has obvious effect on the photographic properties of emulsions and physical-chemical properties of gelatins. 钙对乳剂的感光性能和明胶的理化性能有重要的影响。
3. I finished it off with some es campur, shaved ice and crazily colorful gelatins, fruit and coconut milk for an additional 6,000 rupiah. 最后,我又另外花了6,000卢比,点了一份es campur,这是一种浇有一堆五颜六色的明胶啫哩、水果切块和椰奶的刨冰。
4. The fish gelatin being soluble at ambient temperatures provides a basis for relatively low temperature coacervation impossible with other gelatins. 目前,鱼明胶在常温下溶于提供相对低温凝聚明胶不可能与其他的基础。
5. The United States on Friday followed Canada's lead in temporarily suspending imports of Brazilian beef, gelatins an other processed beef products as a precaution against mad cow disease. 本周五,美国紧跟在加拿大之后暂时停止进口巴西的牛肉、动物胶以及其他各种加工处理的牛肉制品,以此来预防疯牛病的传染。