1. It can be done with local or general anesthetic. 这是可以做到的与当地或一般麻醉。
2. When may patients operate a motor vehicle after receiving a general anesthetic? 全麻后的病人何时能进行机动车驾驶?
3. In the operating room, a local or general anesthetic can be used and surgery can be done on an outpatient basis. 在手术室里,可以选择使用局部或者全身麻醉,手术甚至可以为门诊病人做。
4. Patients who express fear about losing consciousness or the loss of control associated with a general anesthetic may prefer a regional technique. 对全麻后失去知觉或控制担心的病人愿意选择区域阻滞技术。
5. This technique is most often performed under a general anesthetic but in certain situations may be done under local anesthesia with sedation or spinal anesthesia. 手术通常需要全身麻醉,有时也可能采用局部麻醉+镇静或脊髓麻醉。