1. In France, Mr Frucher's exemplar, a strong marketing campaign has glamorized the former sport of Kings. 在法国,弗拉切就有个可学习的榜样,一场强劲的市场活动使得曾经的赛马大王重新呼风唤雨。
2. Past isn't something to be glamorized to be the nostalgic about, sentimental about, because the past is gone. 过去不是用来让我们美化的,也不是让我们怀旧感伤的,因为过去了的就成了历史,消失不在了。
3. It’s really over glamorized here, and that stupid doily cloth thing makes no sense, and doesn’t really enhance the PSP or game play experience. 这款掌机的确是虚饰过度了,那种样子傻傻的小饰巾一点儿意思没有,而且实在无法使掌机功能有所增强或提升游戏体验。
4. The commercials aren’t over glamorized, and usually depict the celebrity in a casual, home type setting, which I feel is a good way to represent gaming. 这些广告没有被虚饰过度,而是将女明星们置于一种闲适和家居型的情景中,让我感到是一种代言游戏的不错的办法。
5. During the 19th and 20th centuries, perceptions changed to the point where Vikings were glamorized as noble savages with horned helmets, a proud culture and a feared prowess in battle. 在19世纪和20世纪,大众观念发生了极大的改变,维京人被美化为高贵的野蛮人,戴着有角的头盔,拥有自豪的文化和可怕的战争力量。