1. Fiat plans to introduce a glitzier, higher-output Abarth version of the 500 in Los Angeles on Nov. 16, which could goose sales. 菲亚特还计划在11月16日在洛杉矶推出一款外形更炫、功率输出更高的阿巴斯(Abarth)版的菲亚特500,此举或许能够刺激销量。
2. But Hurd quickly won praise in Silicon Valley and the broader technology world, especially with his low-key style that was so much unlike his predecessor's glitzier public persona. 不过,赫德随即用几乎完美的表现迅速赢得了硅谷及全球科技行业的赞誉,特别是赫德为人低调,性格温和,受到了市场及分析人士的认可。