1. I could hardly get to sleep for glorying over it. 心里那么得意洋洋,我几乎连觉都睡不着。
2. It seemed to him that the house was full of leering eyes glorying in his misfortune. 他觉得满屋子到处是幸灾乐祸的眼睛对他嘲笑。
3. On the other hand, the biggest fast food chains such as McDonald's and KFC are glorying in Slovakia. 另一方面,快餐连锁店,如麦当劳、肯德基等,则在斯国发扬光大。
4. That which I speak, I speak not according to God, but as it were in foolishness, in this matter of glorying. 我在这夸耀的事上所要说的,不是按照主说的,而是如同在狂妄中说的。
5. Here was reserve itself done into a box-office clerk, a doorman, and an assistant, glorying in their fine positions. 在这里,矜持的神气活生生地体现在一个售票员、一个门房和一个助手的身上,他们都因自己的崇高地位而得意洋洋。