1. You better think it over and don't go off the deep end. 你最好要深加考虑,不要立即下结论。
2. Mike warned his roommate not to go off the deep end and get married. 迈克警告他的室友结婚不可感情用事。
3. Justin:A friend of mine was about to go off the deep end when he felt he needed to talk to me. 贾斯汀:我有个朋友在他脾气快要爆发时,觉得需要找我谈谈。
4. Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in handling financial matters. 如果投机活动超出控制之外的话,可以带来难以估计及无法令人满意的结果,而且你可能在处理钱财事务时,变得怒不可遏。