1. I'm going to tune in, with hopes that the single mom is portrayed as a smart, savvy, loving, go-getting mama! 我将要演出了,我对把单身妈妈们塑造成睿智,有知识,有爱心,敢于追求的妈妈充满希望!
2. The 'stans vary (Tajikistan is poor, Kazakhstan go-getting). But all have slim prospects of joining the EU in the lifetime of anyone reading this article. 五个斯坦国的情况并不完全相同(塔吉克斯坦颇是贫困,哈萨克斯坦则野心勃勃),不过有一点是一样的,在阅读本文的诸公此生,很难看到它们加入欧盟的那一天。
3. It is thought that while such traits are highly-prized in men, go-getting women are penalised for not being feminine enough and are seen as less likeable. 这些美德仅仅在男子身上被认为是美德,当女性表现出有野心,或者不温顺的行为,社会就会对他们不利。
4. School lunches are getting healthier, but they still have a long way to go. 学校午餐越来越健康了,但还有许多待改进之处。
5. They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it. 他们同意去只是因为他们会得到酬劳。