1. As well as reduced public transport services, the French have also found motorways blocked by lorry drivers on go-slows. 之前同样因为削减了对公共交通的投入,法国的高速公路也被指责因为太多的卡车慢速行驶导致交通堵塞。
2. A behavior like this slows down your reading significantly, so it's the first thing to go when you're learning to speed read. 这种行为很大程度上,放慢了你的阅读速度,因此,当你要学习快速阅读时,这时你首先要解决的难题。
3. While there are certain critical initiatives or projects that need to go forward if a company wants to keep up production, workers should watch out when project spending slows, Avramidis said. 阿弗拉米·迪斯说,虽然如果一家公司想继续生产,就需要推进某些关键计划或项目,但员工应该留心是否有项目支出开始减少。
4. And you don't want all the ideas to have to go through one person or one place, because that really slows things down. 我们不希望所有的想法,都来自一个人,或一个部门,因为这会很慢。
5. As soon as the decline slows down they redouble their buying, and go long. 当下跌减速后,他们再次买入,开始做多。