1. I have four children, so they will gobble all it up, even if I'm given the first choice. 我有四个孩子,所以即使让我先吃,他们也会狼吞虎咽吃光。
2. Hanson advises guests to accept the offerings politely—but not to gobble, or gulp—and for goodness sakes don't get drunk. 汉森建议宾客礼貌地进食,不要在招待会上狼吞虎咽,而且切记不要喝醉。
3. Many of us rush through the day, with no time for anything, and when we have time to get a bite to eat, we gobble it down. 我们很多人匆匆忙忙地度过一天,没有时间做任何事情,当我们有时间吃点东西时,我们经常是狼吞虎咽。
4. People who gobble down their food and eat until they feel full are three times more likely to get fat compared with people who eat slowly and modestly. 喜欢狼吞虎咽和一直吃到自己感觉很饱的人,增肥的可能性比那些细嚼慢咽适量吃的人要高出三倍。
5. There were dangerous beasts in the river that might gobble you up. 那条河里曾有危险的野兽,会把你吞吃掉。