1. When the Goliaths win, it's often because the underdog is playing by Goliath's rules. 强者之所以取得胜利,通常是因为弱者被他们的规则玩弄了。
2. WENDELIN WIEDEKING, the punchy boss of Porsche, the world's most profitable small carmaker, has often described his firm as a David amid the industry's Goliaths. 保时捷虽然摊子不大,却是全球最赚钱的汽车厂商。作为它的掌门人,精力旺盛的魏德金经常把行业里的巨头们比作格利亚,然后把自己的保时捷比作给他们迎头痛击的大卫。
3. Given Google's then-status as a David versus larger Internet Goliaths, she admits it was a crazy idea to build a full-fledged AD system in addition to a search engine. 考虑到谷歌当时的实力,沃西茨承认,在搜索引擎之外再打造一个完善的广告系统,在当时不啻于一个疯狂的点子。