1. The complex meaning of irony is only graspable in context. 讽刺的复杂含意只有联系上下文才能领会。
2. In life, I think honesty and dishonesty are more graspable and humane. 在生活中,诚实与不诚实更加易于理解,也更人性化。
3. They have few alternatives left, and a public show of stock fluctuations is one of the last graspable charades they can use to seem in control. 他们实在没有多少备选,股票市场的波动是他们可使用的、最后可采用的伪装之一,以显示他们似乎在掌控。
4. People often assume that data are simple, graspable and trustworthy, whereas theory is complex, recondite and slippery, and so give the former priority. 人们常假设数据是简单的、可理解的、和可信的;而理论则是复杂、深奥、和难解的,因而会给予数据较优先的考虑。