1. She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook. 她住在一间龌龊的斗室内,连做饭的地方都没有。
2. On particularly grotty days, all traffic could be barred from certain parts of the city centre. 当交通拥堵的时候,所有车辆将被限制进入部分市中心区域。
3. Then there are the tens of thousands of injured, such as Dima, who lives with his parents in a grotty apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. 还有数万人受伤,比如迪玛(Dima),他同父母一起生活在莫斯科郊区一座肮脏不堪的公寓里。
4. No one forces them to eat their own loaves, no one parades them through the streets with bags of grotty sliced white hanging round their necks. 没人强迫这些人吃下他们自己做的面包,没人把这些家伙的脖子上挂上装满白色垃圾的包,然后拉着他们游街。
5. A budget place to stay doesn't have to mean a fleapit in a grotty part of town. Here, two leading hostel websites choose their most amazing pads. 便宜价廉的旅店并不意味着坐落在城市城市边缘的脏乱之地。这次,两个领先的旅宿网站。