1. The more GDI denies, the guiltier they look. GDI越是抵赖,看起来就越有罪。
2. Those who said they felt lonelier, guiltier, more anxious and depressed and who were more likely to display undesirable behaviors reported being less healthy physically. 那些表示相对孤独,内疚,焦虑与压力和爱表现令人讨厌行为的人报告指出身体健康状况较差。
3. Yet however dubious the official case for war and unforgivable its execution, Mr Blair seemed guiltier of taking his missionary zeal too far than of narrowly pursuing British interests. 然而,无论官方的战争档案有多么地可疑、这场战争有多么地不可饶恕,较之于其对英国利益的狭隘追求,更令Blair先生感到内疚的,似乎是他意识到自己传教士式的热情过了头。