1. In the scramble to swap gas-guzzlers for smaller vehicles, residual values collapsed, leaving GM's finance arm with huge losses on cars returned after lease. 在将耗油量大的汽车换成小型车的争夺中,剩余价值大幅缩水,使得通用汽车的金融部门在汽车租赁后的退货上蒙受巨大损失。
2. Bigger cars tend to be gas guzzlers, and I wanted a bigger car. 现在耗油量大的汽车一定卖不动了吧?
3. Yu is confident that, in the long run, it is the gas guzzlers that will be forced to give way. 不过俞教授相信从长远来看,燃油的车辆终将会被迫给电动车让路。
4. Leave it to the gas guzzlers of NASCAR to pull off building one of the United States' largest alt-energy installations. 有油老虎之称的NASCAR赢得建造美国最大的能源安装之一的项目。
5. With lower prices, it seems people are going back to buying gas guzzlers, no doubt helped by the generous terms dealers are offering. 随着价格下降,人们却似乎回到购买大排量,毫无疑问,由经销商提供优厚的条件帮助的。