2. I saw rabbits, tigers, snails, lions, hamsters and zebras. 我看到了兔子、老虎、蜗牛、狮子、仓鼠和斑马。
3. Another experimenter, Hamner, however, discovered that hamsters from California maintain their original rhythms even at the South Pole. 然而,另一名实验人员哈姆纳发现,即使在南极,来自加利福尼亚的仓鼠也能保持它们原来的节奏。
4. The rat findings have been replicated many times and extended to creatures ranging from yeast to fruit flies, worms, fish, spiders, mice and hamsters. 小白鼠身上的试验已经被重复了很多次,并扩展到从酵母到果蝇、蠕虫、鱼、蜘蛛、老鼠和仓鼠等各种生物。