1. You can either ignore a customer's complaint or be ready to do handsprings to resolve service failure. 你要么不理睬顾客的抱怨,要么准备和顾客协商来解决服务质量差的问题。
2. Gymnastics, such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings, performed without the use of specialized apparatus. 翻跟头,空翻不使用特殊器械而进行的体操活动,如筋头、旋转和前手翻腾跃。
3. Many of the contestants appeared over 40 and had soft, leathery hides. Not No. 9, a hard-bodied young man who could do handsprings. 很多参赛者都年过40,皮肤柔软松弛,不过九号选手是个身强力壮的年轻人,还能翻筋斗呢。