1. Paris Hilton’s head-to-toe leopard-print look makes her look cheap and ridiculous. 帕丽斯希尔顿从头到脚一身儿都是豹纹,看起来像一只美洲豹,这令她的衣服看起来十分廉价,人也滑稽可笑。
2. They must first change into a head-to-toe white suit, making sure to take off all watches, rings, and jewelry, and put on a face mask. 所有人必须先换上一件从头到脚的白色清洁衣,确保将手表、戒指和其它首饰都摘掉,然后带上面罩。
3. He also began training for marathons, sometimes startling colleagues by appearing in their offices at day's end in head-to-toe spandex. 他还开始跑马拉松,有时同事们会惊讶的发现他会在下班后换上连体健美装。
4. There was a brutally enforced dress code, which required women to be covered from head to toe. 曾有着严格的着装规定,要求女士从头到脚都要裹紧。
5. She gets sunburned even when she plasters herself from head to toe in factor 7 sun lotion. 即使她从头到脚涂抹上防晒系数是7的防晒霜,她也会被晒伤。