1. Some girls even bring dolls, guitars and their hi-fis, regardless of the amount of space in their dorm. 有的女生甚至带着布娃娃、吉他、超大的收音机等稀奇古怪的东西,完全不考虑寝室的容量。
2. Some girls even bring dolls, guitars and their hi-fis , regardless of the amount of space in their dorm. 有的女生甚至带着布娃娃、吉他、超大的收音机等稀奇古怪的东西,完全不考虑寝室的容量。
3. Previously I was addicted to a plaything, for instance, when I played hi-fis, I spent all my time and money on it. I did the same thing when cars were my favourite. 以前的玩是死命玩一样事情,例如玩音响时就花尽时间与金钱玩音响,后来玩车也如是。
4. I dreamed in an exhibition hall of hotel, it had full-ranged displays of luxury commodities, including high-end Hi-fis, cameras and watches. Participants were all those wealthy roles, except me. 我梦到自己在一家酒店的展厅里,周围是琳琅满目的物品,昂贵的音响、相机、手表包围着我,除了我以外,一切都是那么的华丽。