1. One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. 不冬眠的一个补偿方式是天生的迁徙习性。
2. Well, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas. 当它们没有在冬眠的时候,你可以在空旷的地方发现它们。
3. Groundhogs spend the winter hibernating in a specially dug hibernation burrow, their breathing and heartbeats slowed to a snail's pace. 土拨鼠在一个特别的冬眠洞穴中冬眠,它们的呼吸和心跳慢到和蜗牛差不多。
4. When spring's light comes, the melatonin diminishes, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty, virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months. 当春天的阳光来临时,褪黑激素减少了,突然间我们被唤醒,回到了我们冬眠了四个月、布满灰尘、病毒的房子。
5. Even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral studies. 尽管土拨鼠一年中的大部分时间都在冬眠,根据这个案例研究,它们仍然被认为是动物行为研究的优秀对象。