1. She tried to break through the national barriers that hindered the exchange of ideas among the Spanish speaking peoples of South America. 她试图打破阻碍南美洲西班牙语民族之间思想交流的国界壁垒。
2. It is precisely this inverted snobbery that has hindered Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits from gaining the critical attention it deserves. 正是这种反势利感阻碍了伊莎贝尔·阿连德的《幽灵之家》获得应有的批评关注。
3. In his book, Team of Teams, General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war. 斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔将军在《赋能》一书中,描述了在伊拉克战争早期,军队等级结构对军事行动的阻碍。
4. Your goals are hindered by financial strictures. 你的目标受到经济条件的限制。
5. A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility. 大腿上的伤愈发束缚了她的活动自由。